Snail Fever: Schistosome-Parasitized Snails

Snail fever? That sounds cute and sad but it’s not a snail with a fever. Snail fever is much worse than that. Snail fever, also known as Bilharzia and Schistosomiasis, is a parasitic disease that affects over 200 million people globally (70% in sub-Saharan Africa), that is equivalent to everyone in Brazil being infected with this parasite! It is primarily transmitted between humans and snails, making snails our enemy in Schistosomiasis. 

Unlike many other waterborne disease, people become infected through contact of parasites in contaminated water rather than ingestion of contaminated water.

 Schistosomiasis life cycle. Source: CDC-DPDx, Atlanta, United States

The life cycle of schistosomes is a bit complicated as it involves different larval stages and hosts. Schistosome cercariae penetrate the skin of the human host, detaching the tail with only the head (known as a schistosomula) enter the human body.

The schistosomula migrate through various organs in the body and mature into adult worms that live in the blood vessels surrounding the intestines (S. mansoni and S. japonicum) or bladder (S. haematobium). Male and female worms live together in copula and female worm produces between 300 and 3000 eggs daily. The eggs pass into the lumen of the intestine (S. mansoni and S. japonicum) or bladder (S. haematobium) and pass out in faeces or urine. To hatch and release miracidia, eggs must reach freshwater. Miracidia infect snail hosts, later transforming into sporocysts, which multiply. Finally, the sporocysts transform into infectious cercariae that emerge from the snail and the life cycle continuous.

So, what happens to a snail infected with schistosome?
Just like humans, snails have a central nervous system which controls the snail’s organs and tissues by chemical transmitters ‘neuropeptides’. These small protein-like peptides affect growth, immunity etc. By using mass spectrometry and Nano-HPLC, differences in neuropeptides in infected and non-infected snails could be compared. It was seen that neuropeptides involved in snail reproduction, feeding and growth was downregulated, altering the behaviour of infected snails.

Schistosome-parasitized snails show slower movement, have reduced refuge-seeking and anti-predator behaviour making them less likely to hide or move out of water to avoid predators and seek and aggregate with other infected snails. This to me is interesting as the parasitic infection affects the predator-prey dynamics in a way that does not benefit transmission of the parasite. Having infected snails being slower, not responding to predation cues and aggregated leads to the infected parasitized population being an easy snack for predators such as prawns; consuming both the snail host and Schistosome parasite. As predators of snails do not get infected by schistosomes this certainly is not a useful strategy. On the other hand, these behavioural changes could be beneficial to the parasites! Remaining in the water even when predators are around increases the dispersal of the schistosome cercariae in the environment needed for transmission, aggregation allows for increased probability of both male and female cercariae infecting the human host at the same time.

Maybe schistosomes are not as intelligent as I thought they would be?

The changes of behaviour to anti-predator snails allow biological control of schistosomiasis through predation, but maybe they know that humans are continuously going to defecate in water with egg-containing excreta continuing the cycle endlessly.

This just shows how important public health is. Away from all the drug treatments, diagnostic tools etc, investing in water, sanitation and hygiene is soooooo important!

By this point I usually have my mind set on if I like the parasite or not, but not today. What do you think? 

Extra reading: The roles of water, sanitation and hygiene in reducing schistosomiasis: a review


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